The Importance of Craft Night


For me craft night is Thursday night and it has been for awhile. That’s why I never have a real post on Thursday. I meet up with knitters and crocheters and (sometimes) spinners. We share, we chat, we eat junk food. We even get a little work down on our projects. Usually.


Last week I took a few pictures of stuff going on around the table.


Something green was getting made…

…and at least two pairs of socks.

Including these which deserve a closer look. I just love socks made from the toe up because, when they are just toes, they are so cute.

Not as cute as him, though. The only things this little fellow crafts at craft night are drool (which you can see from the damp shirt) and dirty diapers (which you can’t see and will just have to take my word for).  He may not have much in the way of yarn-y skills but he gets to be a Roving Crafter based on sheer adorableness.


Craft night is important, and not just because it has cute soon-to-be socks and cute soon-to-be men. Its the one place that I get to hang out with people who understand my favorite past-time. They get it. They get me.

They get why I spend a small fortune on yarn and fiber to make things that I could buy at any department store.

They get why a certain WIP shawl that I love it taking so long to finish that I also kinda hate it.

They get why I have 23 size 4 double pointed needles.

I couldn’t figure out how to show that level of understanding in a picture. But, if you have a craft group, a knitting circle, a sewing bee, or any such get together then you probably know what I’m talking about. There is no substitute for good friends who accept you as you are.

Another thing about my craft group… there is some serious talent there. We have designers and teachers and test knitters and hand-dyers. I’m going to start featuring their work (as much as they will let me) in future posts so be sure to check back in. And if you have crafter you’d like to brag on, including yourself, let us know!



* the header image at top of post is a New York University knitting group, circa 1918. Image from NYU Alumni.

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