You know that green lace stole I’ve been making since forever? Well it became a pattern today.
Its free for the first 24 hours (ends April 7th at noon CST) so head over to ravelry and grab it quick! Then come back for the
ramble blather informative details on how I made it.
This stole is made with lace and its the kind of lace I like. Easy. Remember when I made that Sunday Stitch post on the different types of yarn overs you have to fuss with when you make lace? Well, there is none of that in this pattern. All the yarn overs happen between two knits. Also, the wrong side rows are “knit the knits & purl the purls”. The lace is easy to read and follows a natural progression so after your second or third time through the repeat, you won’t need to carry the pattern with you. You’ll have it in your head.
Its lacey but not overly so. I’m cold. I’m part lizard. I need warm stuff! This is perfect for those chilly spring mornings.
Now let’s talk about the yarn. I have a friend how is trying her skills at hand dyed yarn. I’ve mentioned her before. She is a complete pain in my ass. She keeps making yarn, gorgeous yarn, and saying things like “Here, see what you can make from this.” That’s when I say
“Well, are you ready to start selling it?”
“Maybe, I’m not sure. I just want to see how it works up.”
“But if I make stuff with this yarn, people will want to know where I got the yarn. So what do I tell them.”
“Tell them whatever you want.”
See? She is a pain. And how could I say no? I’m a yarn ADDICT and she is handing me stuff like this:
So when it came to publishing the pattern for this, I dithered. I had the design ready but I didn’t know what to tell raverly (it makes you pick a recommended yarn when you post a pattern). I ended up recommending Mad Tosh Light and Manos del Uruguay Finos because they are wonderful yarns, I’ve used them both, and I know they will work.
But they are not what I used. I used special, not-available-yet yarn.
She IS a pain. And you know what she did to me last week? She did this:
She better get off her butt and open an esty shop or something because I am incapable of saying no to that. And I can’t keep making stuff and then telling people “No I’m sorry. You’re just not special enough to get this yarn.”
(No, I don’t know what I’m making with it but I grabbed it and took it home. You would have too. I’m thinking a shawl. A big, crazy colorful shawl. I wonder if its time for me to try and design a mystery knit-a-long.)

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
18 Comments on "Old Vine – the green lace becomes a pattern"
How awful! How you must suffer with a friend like that.
I will volunteer to stand in for you for as long as I can bear it.
You are very welcome.
I know. My life is HARD. I may have to hire an assistant to take over my duties as the Feline Overlords’ Personal Assistant.
Then maybe I’ll have the time to knit up all that gorgeous yarn. Which you can’t have. Nice try though.
Thanks for sharing your great pattern or an easy to knit ( and block) shawl. Just the thing for Knitting while watching TV.
You’re welcome. I love a good TV knitting project too. Its a perfect excuse to stay in and veg out to the TV.
I loved seeing more pictures of your shawl – it is so very pretty, and you are brilliant for doing all the YOs between knit stitches! I’ll visit your rav page and favorite the pattern.
Your friend is amazing. All that yarn. All those colors. Amazing!
One non-fibery question, Jenn: what kind of tree is that? I am sadly ignorant of Texas trees. It looks like something we call ironwood here in the northeast.
Thanks for teh boost on ravelry! HA!
As for the tree, umm, i don’t know. And I should because ‘ve been told at least three times what that tree is. The landscaping companies around here plan them all over the place. But I can never remember. I have to go ask again and get back to you. 🙂
Ok. They are Crepe Myrtle trees. See? I told you it was something I should have known! Crepe Myrtles are everywhere in Austin.
You are very welcome!
Lacking your friend’s lovely yarn I have a great sub so that I can begin this beautiful stole tonight. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness and shared skills.
(Wish that you lived close enough to help me with my spinning, too.)
Wonderful! if you don’t mind too much, ping me on ravelry so I can find you and your stole. I’d love to see how it works up.