If you’re In the Revive-A-Vintage contest (and all of you are, right?) the entries are due tonight. Specifically they are due by midnight CST. I’d hate to have any qualified project overlooked by yours truly so please make sure that you have all of this on your ravlery project page:
– Tag it with revive-a-vintage. If you’re not sure that you have, check this customized search. That’s how I pull up all the entries. If your project comes up, you have it tagged correctly.
– Cite your source. If its an old pattern, give us the pattern name and how it was published. If you working from an old photo, include it as one of your project photos.
– Have at least one picture of your finished work.
– Mark it as Finished (in the status field).
– If your project is part of a set, mention that in the project notes and provide links to the other ravelry project pages.
That’s the minimum of what we need to consider your project for the final judging. Its okay if that’s all you want or have time to do. But here is what makes me squeal:
– Lots of pictures! More is MORE.
– I read the project notes, lol. If you want to tell me how it went, I will read it. I’ll read it ALL. Any personal notes on what you did, modifications you made, new skills you had to learn to make it work, etc. The bigger the challenge this was for you the more impressed I’ll be.
– How do you feel the project turned out? Did you love the pattern but hate the yarn? Will you ever make another one?
Now, in case you need a little motivation to get you over that finish line, let’s take another look at our prizes. These prizes were all donated just for our contest so I give love back to the sponsors whenever I can. After all, I enjoyed hosting this contest and I’d like to host another. If I can show these companies that our contest generated some web traffic back to their shops, then maybe they will donate again in the future. (Yes that’s a hint. Don’t be afraid to click a link or two. It makes me look good!)
Our first prize winner will be getting
- a Blue Sky Alpaca project kit which includes a project bag, a pattern, and three skeins of baby alpaca in color # 543
- 2 bags of Louet Dyed Merino Top in the colorway of his/her choice.
Our second prize winner will be getting two skeins of hand dyed yarn in the colorway of their choice from Mountain Meadow Wool.
Our third prize winner will be getting a Symfonie Dreamz Sock Double Pointed Needle Set from Knitter’s Pride.
We had another prize donated to the cause after the contest was announced. I’ve decided that we’ll have an honorable mention winner who will be getting 4 oz of Targhee Top/ Bluefaced Leicester roving in Blue Bird from Mountain Colors Yarn.
I’ll be announcing the winner this Friday. That gives me time to look at every finished project and huddle up with Jess, my internet guru and fellow judge. I predict that we will stay up waaaay past our bedtimes on Thursday night having a blast and going over all the eye candy.
I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
10 Comments on "VINTAGE DAY!"
Oh! I am so looking forward to seeing the winners!! I only have the one project done, but maybe I can finish the other one this evening…. *Crosses fingers and blames the TARDIS blanket*
Go for it Ceresandras! . Roving Crafters score a ton of great prizes! Get one for yourself and one for me!!
Those Dr. Who knits will get you every time!
Woohoo! The day is here! I’m amazed I got mine finished in time, very very pleased I did though! Enjoy judging, the range of things people have done is amazing! What a great comp it’s been! And through it I’ve found your blog which is great! I’m searching the shops for round stitch markers so I can make dorset buttons!
I can hardly wait to see what you made. Good Luck.
BTY, I would look in the curtain dept of a fabric store for good sturdy plastic rings for those buttons.
All that just made me so thrilled I had to do the Snoopy Dance. I do it while sitting down so it looks pretty strange, fyi.
I’m glad you found us!
This has been really fun. Loved the theme and finally made a project that has been awaiting a “priority number” and just the right push to complete it.
I am really looking forward to seeing the winners – you’ve got a lot of FANTASTIC projects to choose from!
I agree. Jess and I have been trading txts and its a lot of “did you see…” and “ooooooo!” and “ah yesssss!”