To show her appreciation for my years of dedicated service, sometimes Feline Overlord brings me presents in the night. She knows what I like.
Yes I do like Souk by Cascade. It is, after all, half wool and half silk and retails for $16 a skein. Or it did retail for that… before it was discontinued. My Feline Overlord has good taste.
It was dropped off with a piercing and mournful cry at approximately 2 am last night. I knew that some sort of goodie had been left on the floor of my bedroom but I didn’t turn on the light to see. I wanted to have the surprise in the morning.
It was carefully extracted from my workbasket where it sat among yarn of much lesser quality. She even managed to keep one end of the Souk in the basket, see? That way it left a playful trail of yarn through two rooms and a hallway.
Now its time to get out the ball winder. Feline Overlord will help with the rewinding, She enjoys that.
I hope that you all have a loving, generous soul like her in your home. Really I do.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
18 Comments on "Sometimes I Wake Up to Presents"
You are so lucky and loved. All I get are yucked up hairballs.
At least I don’t have to rewind them.
giggle. No the hair balls are a different kind of fiber ball entirely!
My two Balinese Terrorists (aka The All-Kitty Network) steal socks from secured locations, drown them in their water bowl, and then drop them on my face at 3 AM.
“Look, Mommy, What We Killed For You!”
I think they watched me washing socks in the sink when they were kittens.
Oh wow. That’s a pretty hard core expression of kitty love. I’ve never gotten a wet sock in the face.
Boy, I hope Feline Overlord doesn’t read blogs.
I agree with horsearcher, Jenn, you are lucky and loved.
Mine bring me one-half of dead things. Only half.
yeah, that’s pretty much all I can come up with for a reply. Ick.
For just that reason, your “wake up prezzy” I have found kitties a bit strange my entire life. I have had only one “Own Me”. His name was LUCIFER! He lived to a ripe ol age of 14 YEARS! We loved him, he would bring our Jesse (DOG!) rabbits. We now have 2 Westie sisters that will be nine and they have yet to bring me anything but love. I enjoyed your cat “tail” Kim 🙂
hehe. Cat “tails”. That’s so clever I may have to steal it!
Pwca doesn’t even bring me half dead things. Nope…. she drops very much alive mice RIGHT. NEXT. TO. MY. FEET. Also, she leaves Jason (my hubby) mutilated and half dead crickets in the summer. I’d rather have yarns balls too!
My kitty does love me, I know. And I’m very grateful to not have dead things or hairballs left for me to find. She must know that I’d rather play with yarn than a half-eaten cricket or a living (yikes!) mouse.