Good morning*, Happy Sunday and have you ever tried Tunisian Crochet?
This little tutorial is to get you started. I demonstrate the Tunisian Simple Stitch. There is LOTS more to this style of crochet. You could fill up whole books with different Tunisian stitches (and people have). This is just one, just the Tunisian Simple Stitch.
To many people it looks like knitting. It’s not. There is another Tunisian Stitch (Tunisian knit stitch) and it looks EXACTLY like knitting. Its not either. Tunisian is made with a hook.

The hooks are all rounded and have stoppers at one end. You can find these in most craft stores. There are also Tunisian hooks with cords for making wide pieces.

These are harder to come by. I’ve only seen them at at higher end yarn shops (and online of course!).
if you don’t have these, you can still do Tunsian. Just take a regular hook and put some kind of stopper on the end. Honestly it will work just fine until you get your hands on the real thing.

Grab whatever you have and let’s get started!
The Tunisian Simple Stitch – a tutorial
Some Tunisian Patterns I like
- I’m in the midst of making a stack of Tunisian nursing pads for my mommy-to-be. Crochetcastle has a great pattern for these.
- You should definitely check out Kim Guzman. She is one of the most prolific Tunisian designers today. Start with her collection of free Tunisiain patterns. Each one includes links to videos for whatever stitch is used… for both right- and left-handers.
- If you’re already comfortable with Tunisian, try the Pax Shawl by Aoibhe Ni. Its easy… once you master the designer’s unique stitch terms. She has her own method for working Tunisian stitches in short rows and created a few new terms to go with that. The pattern is free, and she has a few videos out demonstrating her technique. And the shawl is gorgeous so its worth the little bit of extra effort.
* It is always morning when I begin the process of publishing my Sunday Stitch posts. It is not always morning by the time I finish wrestling with youtube. I’m sure the fault is on my end. I’m sure no one else has to load a video three times before it “sticks”. I’m sure if I keep at it every week, I’ll figure out how youtube actually works. I’m sure of it.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
9 Comments on "Sunday Stitch – Tunisian Crochet"
Thanks for this great tutorial. I’ve always admired Tunisian crocheted objects.
You are very welcome!
I’ve heard of Tunisian butI have never see it done before!It kind of looks like awkward one handed knitting with a twist. Another thing I am so going to have to start doing!
Its not all that awkward but it does take some getting used to. I’ve heard it described as a hybrid of knitting and crochet. But its thicker than either and I LOVE it for things like hotpads, oven mitts, seat covers. If you want squishy and thick, Tunisian simple stitch is a good choice!
And yes, you should try it. lol. Make all the things!

I bought my hook and soon I will be tuning back to you.. 🙂
ahhhhh! I look forward to some pics then!
🙂 soon…
I have started my all purpose Tunisian Crochet washcloth about 8:00am. I had to come here to get my lessons from my Mentor Jenn. It didn’t take long to be on my way to a new frontier of magically combining a stick and a thread to be proud of. Thank you Jenn. You are the best.
You are very welcome! have fun on your journey to a new world of stitching. That’s what Tunisian is for me. Its o different from traditional crochet that personally I count it as my third yarn craft. 🙂