I was setting up to get some yarn spun the other evening. And She caught me. And She leaped into my lap. And with the power of Her cuteness (and teeth), She put a stop to the spinning. And this time I got it on camera.
Hope you thought all that bad kitty behavior was charming. Hope this carries you off into a great weekend!

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
13 Comments on "The Anti-Spinning Feline Overlord is Very Anti-Spinning"
She is beautiful, and such a happy, comfortable critter! And I guess that is the Best CatToy Ever.
Don’t tell her she is beautiful. Her ego is such a burden already!
lol. But I’m happy to provide the kitty entertainment. That’s what the internet is for right? Cat videos!
Most adorable cat ever! Pwca will play with my knitting, and my needle point, and she absolutely loves it when I have a bunch of yarn to wind! I just let her, she’s not going to hurt the yarn, and she’s old. Old kittens get a lot of leeway.
Oh yes, ball winder is a very fun game. We play that game in our house too.
She is gorgeous! I love black cats. It’s obvious that she loves you. She just wants to “help” her person. My Lily likes to sit in my lap and help me crochet by waiting patienly till she can grab and bite the yarn. Love your videos. Such a nice gift to start the weekend. Thank you.
She is bad! But I’m glad it found an appreciative audience. I knew it would. My readers are such softies. We have all (I think) been properly trained to be good human servents for our Overlords.
I bet that kitten was purring her head off! I also bet this becomes one of your most famous posts lol. I think I’ll help that out by sharing a link to my pages on Facebook.
lol Thanks hun!
Just what I need… that little wretched kitty to get famous. She is already a holy terror. Whatever would I do if she actually got famous and had an agent and a lawyer and groupies like that Grumpy Cat?
One of the best cute cat performances ever. Can’t help but wonder if she knew she was on camera for a wider audience to appreciate her cuteness.