I finally have my blog transferred to its new home and I didn’t have to commit even a single homicide. I think that calls for a little celebration don’t you?
Of course there is still plenty of work to be done. The blog is looking a little naked. Those menus at the top seem kind of puny now. Didn’t they used to be big and bold? I don’t know what happened to all the stuff that used to live over there to the right. Also I seem to have lost my sign up/become a subscriber box.
Looking back over my email, I see that I have sent/received 23 messages from technical support staff in three companies. I have four telephone numbers for web-support-admin-geeks that I need to erase from my contacts list.
But dealing with all that can wait. I have all my old posts. I have all the old comments. I have my current subscriber list. I’m calling it a victory.
Its time for me to kick back and relax. Its also time for me to hand out some serious bribes to my feline roommates who have suffered mightily through this difficult time. Luckily for me I have just the thing.
Please let me know if the comment system is working. Its should be exactly the same as the old for now. And if you find a broken link or a spam-bot or a page that has mysteriously turned itself into sanskrit please let me know.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
25 Comments on "The Blog is Transferred And So We Must Celebrate!"
So glad the transfer is done, you and your overlords definitely deserve celebration! Enjoy!
I’ve been doing the Snoopy Dance since last night. And thanks so much for leaving me a comment (all of you). It lets me know that little part is working too.
I have learned to take NOTHING for granted. For example… I seem to have lost the like buttons on comments…
Congrats! You did it! I knew you could.
But I must say, you are a bit stingy with that catnip.
Anyway, all is well.Things will be better than ever.
lol. I was stingy with that catnip! But it was late and I didn’t want them to get *too* high on their kitty dope. I need sleep.
looks like it’s working to me!
congrats on the transfer. I’m sure you’ll iron out the bugs in time 🙂
Its mostly alive and that is a big improvement from the mostly dead that it was all last week. I’m stepping on bugs as I find them but for today I’m still basking in the glory of my victory of the evil internet dweebs.
Woot! Congrats! That is one very happy kitty! My poor Pwca is not very happy, she had to go to the vet today and so far all we know is she has kidney insufficiency, possible hyperthyroid, and she’s getting cataracts so she will eventually go blind. Poor kitten. I tell people the nickel diagnoses is she’s old.Next month she turns 14, and even the vet said she’s well cared for, these things just happen when you are great-grandma aged.
Poor Pwca. Getting old is not for sissies.
All that means is that you just have to spoil her EVEN MORE.
Yes! Very spoiled kitten
But wait! Where’s the video of you drinking the Chardonnay?? Congratulations. I, for one, raise my glass to you in recognition of your courage and endurance. Now let’s play with fiber!!
The one one me sprawled out in the lazy boy with chardonnay in a coffee mug was just not as engaging as Boy Cat getting stoned on catnip. I’m not sure why….