Let’s Have a Knit-A-Long. Those are always fun. They usually generate plenty of eye candy. And they help me to finish things. At the moment I need help finishing things.
So let’s have a knit-a-long (KAL) for Trickery. I’ll make another one. You make your (probably) first one and then we will all feel mighty Tricky. Here is a link over to the pattern but… keep reading for the KAL details and the money-saving discount code.
Before we get to the details, I need to justify myself a little. Recently I was masterfully manipulated into starting up another project. I already have two projects on my needles that desperately need to be finished. I have another spinning project I really should get done before Spinzilla 2015. I need another project like I need another house cat. But I couldn’t say no. I was ganged-up-on. I was strong-armed. Here is what happened:
Arlene, the owner, operator and very talented dyer of Bronotta Yarns casually offered to let me have some of her yarn (for nothing!) if I would play around with it, see how I liked it, and maybe mention it on the blog.
Allison, the owner, operator, and professional yarn-project enabler of The Sated Sheep, a brand new yarn shop in Dripping Springs Texas, casually offered to put one on my finished pieces/patterns on display in her shop to help sell the pattern.
Well there you go. In the face of a hand dyer offering me yarn and a shop owner offering me a chance to display my work, I was completely helpless. I reluctantly agreed fell all over myself saying yes to both ladies. I’m weak. I need help. Not help in learning to say no. Let’s not get crazy. I need help finishing all my knitting. Thus a KAL. For Trickery.
I do like KAL’s. They help me get to know people. They are a nice excuse to chat up knitters on the internet. I get a look at their gorgeous yarn pics, their in-progress pics, and finally their FO pics. Yes, KALs make for lots of eye candy. Speaking of, I can get that started right now.
I’ll be using Only One – Silk in colorways EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and Spruce. Aren’t they lovely?

If you can’t read it, these are 70% superwash merino and 30% silk spun as a fingering weight single. Its the silk that gives it that fantastic glow. I already love it.
The project requires 400 yds of fingering weight yarn in two colors and a pair of size 5 circular needles. Five stitch markers would be helpful but not necessary. I’ll be starting mine this Friday, September 4th. My goal (and its up to all of you to hold my feet to the fire!) is to finish within three weeks.
The discount code: The pattern is normally $3.99 on raverly. Use this code: Im-so-tricky and you can get it for $1.99. The code should work until midnight on Friday (11:59 CST Sep 4, 2015). You can buy it direct from ravelry or through your local yarn store. That is really the way I recommend buying it. I try to buy all my patterns through shops because then they get a small cut of the pattern price. Plus it gives me an excuse to go to a yarn shop. FYI, the code should work even if you buy through a shop (ravelry tells me so) and if it does not, be sure to let me know!
And let me know if you want to knit along with me. The more the merrier. And the more likely it is that I will finish something. So grab two skeins of fingering weight yarn and make a Trickery. If you’d like to post a picture of the yarns you will be using, that would be just lovely (Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge). Down there in the comment section there should be a place that will let you upload a picture.
I’ll be starting Friday. Hope you will too!

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
15 Comments on "Let’s Have a Knit-A-Long"
Man… I’d love too but I’m too overwhelmed for another project right now! I have a Dragonfly Pond shawl on needles, a Sylvi jacket on needles, a set of angularities arm warmers on needles, a Sonic Cane being made, two masquerade masks to finish, and a steampunk top hat to make…the first two projects have to be done by December and everything else by the end of the month! Maybe next time?
Ah well. Hopefully some other soul will jump in. Maybe.
*chirp. chirp.*
But if not, i’m still making mine! And inflicting all the pictures on you dear readers. 🙂
Well I would certainly love to, but I’m starting my own KAL on September 8th. Not that I need another project of course since there are about 4 in various stages of progress and others we just won’t mention!
Oh pooh. Its starting to look like I’ll be on my own!
Yey! Love you. Hugs.
There will be videos and me knitting and rambling. Does that make the prospect better or worse? lol Also I know three people in real life that are making this stole. They are just too scardy-cat to come say so on the blog.
(I swear nearly every crafter I know in person is afraid to talk on my blog. Why is that? I’m not scary right? right????)
You girls are getting a great discount….I loved this pattern so much I bought a month ago at full price. I’m a third of the way on my Trickery and challenging the Roving Crafters to catch up…
yay! Another for the KAL. And I’ve heard back from a few people via Google+ that they will be in. So I won’t be completely on my own.
Now I feel challenged to really get going on mine. I’m on the second repeat of the beginning.
Ahh. You’re another one who is ahead of us. Ahead of me and I can’t have that!
Seriously, the more who hop in the more motivated I am to make progress and knit-knit-knit. So keep telling me that you’re kicking my butt. its what I need to hear.