A few months ago I approached a designer that I admire, Bunnymuff, about coming to The Roving Crafters and doing a promotional event. I offered her the chance to come and talk about herself as a designer and to promote her work, which is quite lovely don’t you think?
I said she could come and play with you, my wonderful readers, for a day or for a week. She could give away one thing or a bunch of things. She could come be a guest author and basically do whatever she wants.
And she said yes. She wanted a full week to do pattern giveaways. Some of those giveaways will be individual patterns; some will be full ebooks.
Its up to her. I’ll just be on the sidelines watching all the fun!
How the Pattern Giveaway Will Work
Keep a sharp eye out for this fellow:

He is the adventurous bear that will be modeling all of bunnymuff’s designs and starting tomorrow, November 1, he will be giving away patterns on The Roving Crafters. To enter is easy; you just have to answer Lumpy’s daily question in the comment section.
To my loyal, wonderful and most awesome readers: I love contests and giveaways! I hope you enjoy this one. I hope you’ll help me promote it by hitting one of those social media buttons and getting the word out. After all the better this giveaway goes, the easier it will be for me to talk another designer into doing this!
Introducing bunnymuff, our guest blogger!
Speaking to the resurgence of elegance in lace knitting, bunnymuff was born. My shawl designs are versatile and can be knit in silk with lovely bead accents for that special day, or in merino, cotton, or linen for a sexy accent with a pair of jeans and a tank top. I have expanded my collection to include colourwork accessories and items for your home. Currently, I am working, in the studio, on pullovers and cardigans.
I research various sources for each project and consider many things I see everyday…natural and man made forms. These can be from a walk in the park or a visit to the botanical gardens, a walk in the city or a trip to the museum. I like to create pieces that give a nod to the vast and massive tradition of knitting, yet keeping it contemporary and fun; relevant pieces, I want to wear. Flattering knits that enhance our own beauty and style!
Want to check out bunnymuff’s designs? Just pay a visit to her ravelry store. Then come back tomorrow for our giveaway kick-off. Then come back the next day. And the next. You might win a pattern or two.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
26 Comments on "Let’s Have a Week of Pattern Giveaways!"
This is so awesome Jen!! And I forgot to comment yesterday, but I loved the video :D. Does this mean we will be missing out on our Sunday stitch tomorrow? I always find what you do to be helpful.
It will be a no stitch Sunday. But it will be back, lol. Just one little week of guest posts (with freebies) and then everything will be back to normal.
Glad you liked the Spinning in Boots. I’m not sure that story was Halloween-y enough but it came close.
Welcome Bunnymuff! We are excited to have you.
Your designs are lovey. I especially like that yellow shawl.
Me too. That is a lovely shawl.
Thank you so much, it is great to be here and I am glad you like the yellow shawl!!
Me too. Did I already mention that? I have that yellow shawl pinned. Its gorgeous.
I just can’t wait. Sounds like great fun.
I’m excited too. Bunnymuff has some really lovely designs. I wish I could enter to win, lol.
I have just opened up the giveaway- day one!!
Woo hoo!
(I love contests. really do. I’ll be living vicariously through all of you, just so you know.)
Can’t wait for the fun!
Welcome Bunnymuff. Jenn, you are so awesome! The yellow shawl is gorgeous. I’ve picked up my needles again but I’m such a novice. I wonder how many years it will take before I can make something like that.
Thanks hun! As for the progress of a beginning knitter: its all just knits and purls. Win the pattern, put it in your que, and you’ll get there soon.
Thank you!!
Come on by the bunnymuff group in Ravelry for a knit along sometime, there are some wonderful experienced knitters ready to help and lend encouragement…I have learned so much!
That a great suggestion. Lemme help out by providing the link: