Its the Grand bunnymuff Giveaway – Day Two! That means you have another chance to win one, of these two, scrumptious knitting patterns. Lumpy is modeling them down below, but Lumpy is… rather lumpy. I’m sure they will look a hundred times more fabulous draped around your shoulders this chilly winter. So take a stab at his question, post your answer in the comment section, and you’ll be entered to win!
And come back tomorrow. We’re doing this all week.
Dear fellow explorers,
Day two! I hope you are excited as I am to see the great reveal for the day.
Let us consider my cousins, the pandas, solitary and surprisingly lovely hosts. I like to visit with my panda friend,Tiánmì, climbing trees and relaxing in cool lakes and rivers. They have been the sign of peace and balance with their yin/yang colouring and overall, gentle creatures and terrific story tellers.
Congratulations, DAY ONE, to Chris Mahoney, winning the Cicló mitts pattern and Cancreluche, winning the 40°40′N shawl pattern!! Happy Knitting! (Please contact me via Ravelry handle- mona8pi, so I can place your pattern safe and sound in your Rav Library!)
The question of the day is:
What do panda bears like to knit so much that they will keep bamboo yarn rather than eat it?
I personally like knitting scarves and shawls!
bunnymuff designs can be worn anywhere; the new classic knit. Drawing from the forms around us and the shapes that please us, bunnymuff strives to create engaging patterns both beautiful and functional.
Learn more at:
NOTE TO ALL WINNERS: If you win (and big congrats on that!) please contact bunnymuff (aka mona8pi) on ravelry. Once she has your raverly username, she can “gift” you a copy of your new pattern.

Black and white mitts of the finest wool.to hold their precious bamboo yarn.
My guess would be a baby panda knit out of black and white coton yarn – organic – s’il vous plait!
too sweet
What about nice comfy pillows to share with their friends when they have slumber parties? In a lovely soft cotton, of course.
Slumber parties and pillows go hand in hand- great idea!!
They’d make a yarn bowl to hold all that bamboo yarn!
hahha, this is a very good plan! I like yarn bowls.
Self preservation!
YES! So many animals so little habitat…