Its the Grand bunnymuff Giveaway – Day Three! Every day this week, bunnymuff and her friend Lumpy will be giving away two knit patterns. All you have to do is answer Lumpy’s question in the comment section and you are entered to win.
And btw, Jenn wants you all to know that she reallyreallyreally likes that hat and is already jealous of whoever wins it.
Dear fellow Voyagers,
Thank you all who are participating and welcome to day 3 of the big bunnymuff pattern giveaway. There were some wonderful answers to yesterday’s quetsion!! Today, the prizes are gartered and graphic! These are a couple of distinct and quick to knit patterns- good for you, good for gifts.
If you need some gift knitting inspiration, come join the bunnymuff group and the Ravelry Indie designer GAL 2015 (gift along). There will be more prizes and the bunnymuff patterns, included in the GAL, will be on sale beginning 19 November!!
Winding and stacking cakes up is a great way to really see how some of your yarn goes together. Bunnymuff and I often work together, building a layer cake of yarn. It is a good time to discuss new designs, stand up, and get some exercise!
The question today is:
What is at the end of your cake?
bunnymuff designs can be worn anywhere; the new classic knit. Drawing from the forms around us and the shapes that please us, bunnymuff strives to create engaging patterns both beautiful and functional.
Learn more at:
NOTE TO ALL WINNERS: If you win (and big congrats on that!) please contact bunnymuff (aka mona8pi) on ravelry. Once she has your raverly username, she can “gift” you a copy of your new pattern.
Yesterday’s winners: Fran C., the Cuerda Seca shawl pattern and Knittat, the entrelacer scarf pattern!!

I assume we are talking yarn cake? Well there is a tiny bit of air and then there is always the next cake.
Always, always, always. There should always be another cake of yarn at the ready.
The question is open to interpretation…but yarn seems the obvious choice!
Cat hair
Exactly. There certainly is in my house.
So happy that I am a winner of that wonderful shawl pattern. Many thanks!!
Congratulations!! So jealous. Grins. That’s one of my favorites!
Same here! I have much jealously for all our winners.
Congrats hun!
You are most welcom!! Thank you for participating!
The one thing that is at the end of my cake is knowing that I have just wound the cutest little ball of wool that will be the beginning of an inspired work of knitting art.
Aww. That gets me right in my yarn-cake-winding-addicted heart.
That is a lovely way to wind your yarn!
A beautifully finished product.
Ooo! good answer. I wish I’d thought of that one.
… I may steal it someday… just saying…