So my stash has been getting bigger and bigger. Stashes do that. It used to all fit into this one closet, the yarn closet, but then it started to creep out. Before long I had yarn in baskets and bowls and in the clothes closet and the book cases. Then there was yarn in my pantry. I was okay with that. I had yarn in my kitchen cupboards and I knew that was not the way most people lived but I didn’t worry about that.
But then I had yarn that lived on my dresser and under my bathroom sink. Then it lived in bags in the corners on the floor. Then I was walking around the bags on the floor. And then it started to bug me.
(This is just the yarn stash. There is also fiber stash but I’m not going to go into that because if I think about the stash as a whole I get a bit anxious that I have really let this yarn-n-fiber obsession get out of hand. So we just won’t talk about the fiber stash and the yarn stash in the same post. Problem solved.)
The yarn closet was pretty sad affair. Pinterest would be APPALLED at my yarn closet because its was just a pile of bins, boxes and bags.

I needed shelves. I needed one of those expensive, professionally designed closet organization systems from The Container Store. Or I needed a mom who lived next to a Sheriff who had hundreds of milk-crates he wanted to get rid of. Yep, that poor fellow is cleaning out an old home which, for some inexplicable reason, came with hundreds of old milk crates in it. The harried sheriff empties out milk crates and stacks them up outside where he hopes someone steal them but no one ever does because (a) he is the sheriff and (b) its a very small town with no college students.
So my request for 6 milk crates was met with a “Oh, yes, please, take 6 dozen.” Well, I can’t fit six dozen in my truck but I did take my six and stack them up in my yarn closet.
Then I stepped back and made way for Household Safety Feline Inspector Number One.
And Household Safety Feline Inspector Number Two.
And then I started organizing my yarn.

Pinterst… is probably still appalled because its not pretty or vintage-chik or white-on-white with accents of dayglow orange but I’m might happy with the new yarn closet. I’m not going to tell any outrageous lies like “now all the yarn fits in this closet”. It does not. There is still plenty in baskets and bowls and in my clothes closet. But the yarn is up off the floors and out of the kitchen cupboards and off my dresser. I’m not having to walk around the stash like some poor soul in an episode of Hording Buried Alive. And I can open up this closet to check my stash to reassure myself that I have plenty of yarn and am in no danger of running out.
But now that the yarn isn’t freaking everywhere, I kind of, sort of, feel like going to the yarn store to buy more.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
22 Comments on "Getting the Yarn to Fit in the Yarn Closet"
I’ll give a scary thought. It is scary because of the impact on your stash. And its growth potential.
Two words: Space Bags. !!!
lol. You sound like the voice of experience! Does packing yarn in space bags and sucking out all te hair make you feel like you can buy more yarn? I may do that after I outgrow my closet again, which of course I will.
You do realize Household Safety Inspectors Number 1 and 2 thought you had built this cool new nesting development for them, don’t you? All it needed was some pads to make it comfy, but yarn will do just fine after they rearrange it to make it more comfortable. At this moment it looks very nice, tidy, and organized. I am quite jealous. Great score on the milk crates–you even got pretty colors. Congratulations!!!
I do realize that. Everything I own is Property of Cat.
And that stash won’t be organized for very long. That’s why I took pictures & made my blog post today. By next week it may look like a disaster in there.
I use an old cedar sea trunk for my yarn (which only fits because I offloaded 95% of my stash to a friend a few months ago). I will eventually run out of room again, but now I can buy more yarn!
See? I now know how you feel. Making more room does not really accomplish anything. Except perhaps trips to the yarn store.
You’re my kind of Pinterest. Those pictures are all photo shopped. You did good!
Thanks! I have this theory that Pinterest exists to make us all feel inadequate. Its the Better Homes (than yours) magazine for our time. At any rate, I can never live up to Pinterest. But i have a working yarn closet and that is enough for me. 🙂
Lol. maybe that Sheriff should post his problem & location on Craig’s list. Maybe I’ll have mom suggest that to him.
As for the mackerel, the oiliness of that stinky fish should get their guts moving but it sounds like for your two babies it greased them enough to make teh hair balls come up the front end! But for me, it took about two weeks and then no more hairballs. i do hope your babies start feeling better soon!