I want to have a spring sale. Everyone else seems to be having sales. I feel a lemming-like urge to have one too. And since I’m the boss only employee around here, I think I will!
In fact, I’ll have a different sale on my patterns running everyday this week. Today let’s do… hats. Let’s have four hat patterns all for a dollar.
How to get your patterns:
– Head over to ravelry and add these four patterns to your cart:
(If you’ve already purchased one of these patterns, it will count that towards this promotion.)
– Once you have all four patterns in your shopping cart, use this code: GIMME HATS
– That should adjust your total to $1!
– Get them before noon (US Central DST) May 3, 2016. That’s when the hat sale ends.
And check back because I’ll have a different pattern sale starting at 12:01 AM (US Central DST) every day this week.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
6 Comments on "May Sale Day 1 – GIMME HATS"
Wow! Thank you so very much! It is cold and windy here so that certainly puts me in the mood for a good hat.
Cold here today too. Its as if we skipped summer and went to fall!
But I’m sure its just temporary and only a reminder that winter is always coming back. Smart people knit all year round.
I live and breathe the yarn arts. Everyone who has watched me for the past couple of years develop my craft is impressed I am still doing it. I am bi-polar and do cycle through many passions but I have yarn coursing through my veins and it flows smoothly also. How about some Crochet hat patterns?
I have a crochet hat pattern and its free! Have you checked out Basic Beanie ?
I’ve been looking at that Splice hat. Looking and wanting and now I’m getting it. Thanks.
Most welcome!