Its Day 3 of my little May Sale. That means cowls. Early in my stitching career I made scarfs. Lots and lots of scarfs. I had to make lots because I always seemed to be loosing them. They slip off my neck and disappear. I’m hoping they are hanging out with all my lost stitch markers and row counters. Then I got smart and stared making cowls. Haven’t lost a single cowl!
These three patterns are some of my personal favorites. Billow, on the right is made in stripes. The main color is garter stitch, to make it pop out, and the background is stockinette. Not Intarsia the Cowl, is a clever little thing that uses slip-stitch color work at the beginning and end, and then short rows in the middle. Doric on the left is a mosaic knit inspired by the architecture of Alexandria and ancient Egypt.
If you like them, now is your chance to grab all three patterns for $1.
How to get your patterns:
– Head over to ravelry and add these three patterns to your cart:
(If you’ve already purchased one of these patterns, it will count that towards this promotion.)
– Once you have all three patterns in your shopping cart, use this code: GIMME COWLS
– That should adjust your total to $1!
– Get them before noon (US Central DST) May 5, 2016. That’s when the wrap sale ends.
And check back because I’ll have a different pattern sale starting at 12:01 AM (US Central DST) every day this week.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
2 Comments on "May Sale Day 3 – GIMME COWLS"
You should smile in the pictures. You have a beautiful smile! Awesome cowls.
lol. Picture taking sessions are soooo draining. I try to smile but it feels like an enormous effort.