May Sale Day 4 – GIMME THE REST


Its Day 4, last day, of my little May Sale. So let’s have all the rest. Here are three patterns that I just couldn’t resist designing. Sometimes I get an idea for a knit, maybe an idea that is a bit off the wall, and I have to make it. I knit it until its not an idea anymore but a reality. These three patterns were like that for me.  They took over my brain and I had to come up with patterns so I could stop thinking about them.


day 4 collage

If you like them, now is your chance to grab all three patterns for $1.

How to get your patterns:

– Head over to ravelry and add these three patterns to your cart:

(If you’ve already purchased one of these patterns, it will count that towards this promotion.)

– Once you have all three patterns in your shopping cart, use this code: GIMME THE REST

– That should adjust your total to $1!

– Get them before noon (US Central DST) May 6, 2016. That’s when the sale ends.

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