When I started this itty-bitty yarn blog it was all free. Free server, free host, free everything. Then my blog got less and less itty-bitty and I started having to pay for stuff. But that’s okay because
a) I love writing here
b) I found two ways to make it pay for itself (mostly). I set up affiliate deals two companies that I know and trust, and I started taking donations.
When someone makes a donation two things happen. First I blush with a silly amount of embarrassed pleasure. Second, I post a picture in the left sidebar of one of my cute, wicked kitties doing something cute and wicked. Its my way of saying thanks! (If you’re on a mobile device, it might not be on the left. It might be somewhere down below the post.)
This week a very sweet reader made a larger than usual donation to help support this site and I wanted to do something special for her. I wanted to post more than just one cute and wicked kitty picture.
I wanted to post a whole bunch of cute and wicked kitty pictures! So these are for Carla and I’m sure she is happy to share them with the world.
How do I come up with a whole bunch of cute and wicked kitty pictures on a moment’s notice? Easy. I just set my knitting stuff down and get my camera. The cute and wicked kitty fun usually happens within 90 seconds.
Here is my on-the-go knitting bag…
… which is really her bag. Of course.
These little bits of foam that I use to keep the stitches from sliding off?
Those things are the best kitty toys.
Then there is the actually knitting.
It gets claimed by her Royal Catness at least once a day.
Really it is a wonder that any knitting gets down around here.
Again thanks to Carla and to all the people who have sent donations to support this site. Every little bit helps. They also makes me feel so happy that I started this blog in the first place. Thanks for the love!

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
16 Comments on "Kitty Fun"
Thank you Carla! I love this blog and you have helped to make/ keep it happening.
God’s Blessings on you.
Well said!
Dear Jenn,
Surely both your cats are wicked. Both of mine are. Where are the pics of the Cowardly Boy? A pic of him under the bed would be great. That is where both of mine run whenever I have guests.They do not approve of guests. Esp. of the male persuasion. Something about the timber of the male voice sends them running for safety.
Well, Cowardly Boy Cat is cowardly. He’s afraid of almost everything including the flash in the camera. if I ever figure out how to take pictures of him under my bed, then you’ll see more of him because that is his go-to spot!
And no, my CBC does not care for visitors. They are out to get him and he knows it.
Squeaker sounds just precious! A precious little monster that leads all your other monsters in the eternal game of Who can Drive Food-Woman Crazy First.
Let me ask you a question, when you retreat to the Knitting Room, do you think of that as “locking the cats out” or as “giving the monsters free reign in your home so you can knit”?
Without the fur babies we would all be intolerant, lacking in patience, and probably a little bored. We would also have less pet hair on our projects. And is it really a handmade sweater without a little pet hair on it? I don’t think so, lol.
Thanks so much for the support and for the encouragement. I say this a lot but its always true: it is a true joy to write for this community.
Thank you so much for sharing! I came home from a rather rough day, and kitty pictures helped tremendously, especially as I cleaned up the mess BBC made of the kitchen.
What are the wonderful bits of foam? I’m sure you’ve said, but my brain has hit the delete key.
Cute cats can make life s crappiness a little easier to take. The Feline Overlord is happy that her rotten behavior brightened your day!
The foam bits are “foam beads”. They are a jewelry crafting item. You can find them all other but here is a link: