Its been raining here. Not the death and destruction rains that Louisiana has been suffering through. If I was living through that I would most certainly not be writing a grumpy post about sunless days and being stuck inside for too long. I’d be one of 80,000 evacuees looking for a dry place to sit down and cry (yes its that bad) while wondering why our President is still on his golfing vacation and not whipping bureaucrats to work faster at getting people to safety.
Sorry. That was a bit of a politically tinged tangent and I try to keep this place free of all that but Oh-my-God has no one noticed that nearly 100,000 people have been displaced this week??!!
Anyway. Here in Austin we aren’t getting that kind of rain. We are just getting day after day of steady rain with occasional periods of heavy rain that cause my phone to bleep imperiously and deliver the message that the roads are flooding and if I have any brains at all I’ll stay home. I don’t really need my phone to tell me this sort of thing but I can’t figure out how to turn that feature off. I do have enough brains to stay inside during flash floods. I just don’t have enough brains to figure out my phone.
So I’ve been knitting. I would be knitting if it wasn’t raining of course. If the sun was shinning and the temperatures were back in the 100’s, I’d be right here knitting away. I’d be blowing off my errands. I’d be ignoring the world out there. I’d be at home playing with yarn. But I’d be less grumpy about it.
For the record I was grateful for the rains on the first day. I was accepting on the second day. On the third day I was privately thinking “enough already”. By the fourth day I was searching the dark, gray sky for a sign that the sun still existed. And today I’m fed up and airing my grievances on the internet.
But all that time inside knitting got me this:
… a finished off tee. Finish off is about as far as I can take it. I can’t block, not with all this wet crap coming down out of the sky.
My porch is my blocking space (its the only space I have free of evil feline ne’er-do-wells). At the moment my porch looks like this:
So I’ll put off blocking that tee and find other yarn to play with. Its not like I don’t have an entire yarn store’s worth in my home. Good thing too because I think I’m stuck here. I expect to see an old man in a wooden boat packed full of animals float by any minute.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
27 Comments on "Stuck Indoors And Going a Little Stir Crazy"
Love the finished shirt!!! 🙂 🙂 Maybe we need to get together and open a yarn store! I have such a huge stash and keep adding to it! Don’t know how I will ever use it all up!! Hope the rain stops soon for you and brings you a sunny weekend!!!!! Stay dry and enjoy that knitting and crocheting!!!!
I would never open a yarn store with my stash. lol. I couldn’t bare it. Sorry but the idea of total strangers taking my stash away from me is like a nightmare. Who would trade their stash for mere money??
I did see the sun today and felt 100% better about things. Amazing how a little sunshine can make life worth living.
Thank you for your comments on the flooding over here in Louisiana. The sheer magnitude of this is overwhelming.
I hope you and yours are safe from the flooding.
The people of Louisiana have my prayers and my thoughts and the money I could spare (via the Walmart Foundation Flood Relief Fund).
The damp is just brutal on creaky joints isn’t it? Good thing our yarn addition runs deep or we may have out it down altogether (perish the thought).
Poor kitties. Weather is the one thing that can’t bully into doing what they want. It must be terribly frustrating for them!
Those poor people! We’re still in a drought (New England) but we can still be empathetic {{HUGS}}
I can’t help but be curious about your summer top pattern though…
Imma gonna publish it. Just need to finish it up, transcribe my notes and get some decent pictures taken. 🙂 And it will be a freebie. This tee is a very simple shape. The appeal is all in the clever use of color.
Love the finished tee! Hope you get some rays of sun soon. My grandson lives right in the middle of that mess in Louisiana. He, his wife, 3 children, 2 cats and a dog had to evacuate. Luckily it didn’t get inside the house. Still knee deep in yard. Here in Alabama I’ve had 3 seperate severe thunderstorms today. Not as bad as folks west of here. Stay safe and dry. Best wishes and prayers to you folks in Louisiana. Oh, btw totally agree with your political observation.
Oh wow. My best wishes to your son and his family. The news says the waters are receding and we all hope that continues.
And you stay safe and dry yourself.