Not A Sock


This is not-a-post, not much of one, about the not-a-sock I’ve been knitting. If you check out the post I made before this one and the post I’ll (probably) make after, they are about socks. Specifically they are about the Cirque Socks I’m working on for myself and have masterfully manipulated many of you into knitting along with me.

But right now I’m not knitting socks. I never was much of a monogamous knitter. I’ve always been a cheater and I’m cheating on my socks with my Something Blue shawl. Last time you saw it, the shawl looked about like this…



… and now it looks like a messy blue thing.


It happens. When you knit a shawl, it quickly becomes too big to be spread out on the needles and temporarily turns into a big squished up pile of yarn. Let me tell you, when your shawl looks like that its hard to come up with anything interesting to show your blog.ย 

Which is why you’re getting the not-a-post. I just wanted to check in and fess up to my cheating ways. I needed a break from the little bitty cables on US Size 2 needles. So I spent this afternoon out in the warm sun making easy lace on stinking big US size 9 needles.

I’ll get back to my socks in a bit, probably after the sun goes down and I start to feel chilly. When my toes get cold I’m sure I’ll give my socks some love and attention. Until then I’ll be over in the sun making happy sounds at my big squished up pile of blue.

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"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen

26 Comments on "Not A Sock"

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Dear Jenn,
I got here today by following the email notification. If I try to get to Roving Crafters any other way, it takes me all the way back to 2015 on the old blog. Something is wrong Dear.


This is why we have WIP’s. I’m really surprised at myself that I only have one knitting project going right now. Oh wait! I have two! I forgot about a shawl I started in March that I have not worked on since August! Okay, now I feel like a normal knitter.
Does having a felting project long overdue on the back burner count too?


Oh, goodness! Don’t feel bad about your shawl. I have a bedspread that I started about two years ago that I’ve abandoned for nine months at a time! In my defence, it’s for a queen sized bed and I live in Louisiana where we have maybe three months out of the year when it’s not miserably hot. I pulled it out a few days ago to work on it and the temperatures promptly shot back up into the ninety’s! I figure I’ll have it finished somewhere around March of 2018, lol!


Yes more than one unfinished and probably to be frogged project in my pile oh well ๐Ÿ˜‚

You got warm sun? I had to drive in cloudy with some wet sections of road. Ick! Once inside, I could pretend there was plenty of sunshine, since I have few windows where I work. Loved seeing your “messy blue thing” and the progress you are making on it. It sure looks like a lot more progress working on that than on socks, doesn’t it? The last fine-yarn socks I knit seemed to take forever. I hadn’t heard of second sock syndrome before that, but found out what they were talking about. The yarn was lovely, the lace stitch was… Read more ยป
Richard (in Chrlotte, North Carolina)
Richard (in Chrlotte, North Carolina)

Why you two-timing huzzy! LOL; been there done that. I have five projects going on at this time myself. I’ll work on one diligently for a while and then back to another one for a minuet, an hour or maybe even a day or two and then on to another one. Variety is the spice of life ya’ know.


Love it! And variety keeps boredom from setting in. Plus, as Jenn notes, a “have to” becomes work and who wants the thing they do for pleasure to become drudgery?
