The baby blanket worthiness test
From here on all expectant mothers will get booties. If they love them, they get a baby blanket. If not…
From here on all expectant mothers will get booties. If they love them, they get a baby blanket. If not…
After making booties and mittens and other stuff, I’m adding one last baby knit to the pile. I think I’ll let him be born before I make anything else.
Making crochet cross-over baby booties can be highly addictive. Beware.
Fighting a yarn with a tendency to split does not make for enjoyable knitting.
Some highly unscientific observations made about men while knitting in public.
Before the holidays I might have mentioned that I knew a mom-to-be who is also a big appreciator of knitting. I may have bragged just a bit that I will […]
As you may have already noticed from the link on the side bar, the Roving Crafters has a little corner of ravelry here. Its open and any one can read, […]