I don’t seem to have enough time for my knitting (or crocheting or spinning).
I heard that. That collective “duh” you all just made. I know that none of us ever have enough time for everything we want to do. But this is different. My stuff is REALLY starting to back up.
My current WIPS
A cabled cardigan that’s about… halfway done. Its turning out so nice and I’m in love with in. But its slow. Its big. It has to live at home these days so it doesn’t get worked on as much as it should.
The dark line of stitches is waste yarn. It will get pulled out when I’m ready to put in the after-thought pocket.
Baby stuff! I’ve got mittens done but there will be a hat and socks to match and that is only the start of the baby stuff that must be done in time for the baby shower, which is in the spring. I’m feeling the pressure on baby stuff.
A head-scarf-thingy out of the Dorset Down hand-spun. This is my top priority. Its the project I can’t wait to work on. Right now it looks like this:
Yeah. I haven’t gotten very far.
Then there is the spinning. Now that the stuff for Louet is spun up I can go back to my alpaca-on-alpaca Cherries and Chocolate. I have about a pound of fiber left to spin for that.
You can see that I’m overwhelmed. Something has to give! I’m going to make some changes that should give me more time for what is truly important in life.
1) Clean like a man. The Telegraph reported that women spend an average 10 hours per week on household tasks, while men spend only five. I figure I’ll scale back the cleaning to just wiping down kitchen counters and scoping kitty litter. Who wants to vacuum anyway, right?
2) We spend 6 mounts of our lives at red lights. I can just drive right through knit while I wait.
3) Americans spend 30 minutes per day cooking. Experts say this is the least amount of time compared to any other country in the world. Still…. I think I can do even better. I don’t need food when I have coffee.
4) We spend two hours a week exercising. I wish I could add this to the list of activities I will forgo to get myself more time but I gave up exercising 15 years ago. (and I don’t miss it! ha!)
5) Social Media. Here it is. This is where I’ll find my much needed crafting time. Americans spend 3 hours per day on social media. I’m giving that up. Completely. Except for ravelry. And blogging. And my email. And texting my knitterly friends.
I tell you what. I’ll give up all that time I spend searching the internet for pictures of kitties who behave worse than mine do.
It will be tough to give up. Cat Shaming reminds me that I am not the only human who has been completely beaten into servitude by a nine pound ball of fur. Knowing that others suffer as I suffer makes me feel less pathetic. Plus some of those kitties are just so freaking cute!
But I can give them up for now. The bad kitties will always be there, destroying toilet paper and terrorizing oversize dogs and puking on stuff. I ‘ll get back to them… after that baby shower.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
5 Comments on "Finding Time"
I’m green with envy! Enjoy every minute, take lots of pictures!
That sounds like a great plan. The knitting is like a reward!
Good thinking, as knitting is a reward! ♡