The Powers in Authority have sent me home. I have been deemed a danger to the public and ordered to stay away from all public places. When means its happy-fun-knit day for me.
I get labeled a public health menace about twice a year. I’m used to it. I’m not a public health menace I promise. But when the local populations of molds do this:
I look like this:

Allergy conjunctivitis (aka pink eye) is not contagious like bacterial/viral conjunctivitis (aka Stay Away From Me Because You Have Pink Eye!) but most people won’t take any chances. I understand. I’m quite used to it actually.
And being under quarantine means I can get some things done. Like finish my Trickery! I’m getting close to the finish line and that is always a nice feeling. The end seems to go so much faster than the beginning. I’m telling ya, I knit faster coming up on the bind-off than I do when I’m just coming off the cast-on. Right now I’m staring through my blurry swollen eyes and knitting like the wind!
Btw, this project would not have been possible without yarn bowls. I have the pretty ceramic hand painted yarn bowls for when I’m knitting at home.
I have yogurt containers for when I’m out and about.
Yes, when I knit my Trickery in public I pull these babies out and plop them on the table. Hey. I named my site The Roving Crafters. I’m all about roving and crafting so my projects go with me everywhere. (But those breakable yarn bowls do not. They stay at home and do their best to keep out of the path of destructive kitties.) So if you are rolling your eyes a little and thinking I could come up with something better if I tried then I have this to say in reply:
- Yes I could come up with something better.
- I’m probably not going to.
- Many of the crafters who see me do this have gently tried to talk me out of being seen in public carrying around yogurt containers.
- They all failed.
- I eat lots of yogurt and I have plenty containers to spare if you secretly want some.
I have two other things to accomplish today while stuck at home. I’m going to catch up on laundry and run some of that dish washer machine cleaner though my dishwasher. It’s developing a funky odor.
But mostly I’m knitting. Hope everyone out there gets some knitting/crocheting/spinning/etc done too!

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
10 Comments on "Trickery Knit-a-long: Edging Towards The Finish!"
Perhaps you should knit some adorable yogurt container cozies to make your critics “hush.” You may come knit with me in public anytime; I will not be embarrassed. 😉
Thant’s an idea. I could crochet them. With handles!
And thanks, lol. I’m just re-using, recycling right? Right. Everyone says they are in favor of green practices until they have to sit next to you in a restaurant with your used yogurt containers. Jeez
I would just cover them in duct tape! I used to keep my needles in an empty cut off Coke 2 liter… I might actually have a picture of that *goes to look* Nope, I didn;t have a good picture of it, but here is the obligatory cat picture since I went looking. (And since it IS her 14th birthday) http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u76/ceres_andraste/Pwca/20130605_141716_zpsa8ajmktl.jpg
Happy to report that today I finally bought my yarn for Trickery!!! better late than never. Now it will take me a month to wind it in a ball!!
Hope you feel better. Had to rip out some my kal.
Yikes. Sorry to hear that! That lace motif on your KAL does look a bit involved. There is no chart for that pattern I guess?
I’m always taking my work with me, and who cares what kind of container it is in! Silly people! They are not ‘like minded’ to us knitters and crafters. Enjoy working whereever and whenever you get the chance. PS my family think I’m a little crazy – I never go anywhere without my knitting or crocheting projects.
Same here! Maybe we are a little crazy but its only a little and its the harmless kind of crazy. The kind of crazy that just gives other people stuff to talk about!
Thanks for the support. 🙂