We really have been hard at work around here. Feline Overlord has been quite busy driving me up a wall and I’ve been busy on three big(ish) projects.
Big(ish) Project #1
I’ve been hiding a knit cowl from you. Actually I’ve been hiding two of them and the pattern.
I’ve been hard at work on these babies. Its what I started after finishing up my Skew socks. Like with most of my designs I’ve gone through the full range of loving it, hatting, it, ripping it all back, starting over, doubting that its good, and then… committing to the design. That’s my process and the people around me have to put up with the anxiety that pours out of me while I wrestle with something new.
But now I’m satisfied with this cowl pattern. Satisfied is about as positive as I ever get about one of my own patterns. I’m almost finished making Version Number Two. I like to make two versions of all my stuff. It lets me see how the piece will work up in more than one yarn. It give me a chance to “test” my own pattern. And in many cases I get to make it in a different size. I don’t believe much in the one-size-fits-all. For some things that is okay, but not for cowls. Chests and necks come in different sizes so cowls should too.
I’m wrapping up that project and I should have the pattern published soon. It will be free for the first day or so and the download code will be right here on the blog for all my lovely readers. I believe in multiple sizes and I believe in sucking up to my audience. I think that is a formula for success.
Big(ish) Project #2
Speaking of sucking up… I’ve been doing some of that to Bunnymuff. Bunnymuff, aka Mona, is a very talented designer that I follow. I bet you’ve seen her some of her stuff before because its been featured on Ravelry’s front page a few times. She has dozens of published designs and several published ebooks and…. (insert drum roll here)… has agreed to run a week-long give away event here at Roving Crafters!

Yeah. I made that happen. For you.
She is organizing her photos, putting the final touches on her give-away, and getting all the permissions worked out with her publishers. I’m not going to tell you too much more. I’m just putting this out to tease you (you know that right?). But go check out her ravelry store, her web site, and download her free shawl pattern. That should get you in the proper mood for our up-coming give away, which will start in the next week or so.

Big(ish) Project #3
What else am I working on? Oh not much. Just playing around with my Hue Shift Afghan kit yarn and learning how to knit with a knit sheath.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m using an old, cheapie, aluminum knit needle (size 11) as my sheath. Its nice and long and lightweight.
I grabbed some fiber from the stash to stuff it with and these 11 inch vintage double pointed needles to try it out.
First I stuffed that pretty green fiber down in the sheath.
Then I started making a gauge swatch.
I’m doing okay so far. My technique is not as smooth as it should be and I’m still very slow with it. I’ve noticed that my gauge with this method is very much tighter that it would be otherwise. That may change as I get better so I’ll have to keep a close eye on my gauge as I make this blanket. Also, getting pictures of yourself knitting this way is a little tough.
You have to get out the tripod, set up the timer thingy, and remember to suck in your tummy so you look thinner than you really are.
When I get better at this I’ll have a video or two to demonstrate my completely improvised technique. First I have to get through a whole row without messing up.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
17 Comments on "We’ve Been Hard At Work"
What a beautiful blessing this blog AND you are to the knitting community. Thank you for being you and for the free shawl pattern.
Well the thanks for that pattern should all go to Bunnymuff of course. And she’ll be giving more of her stuff away here very soon.
I get credit for the wheeling and dealing! lol Which I’m happy to do.
Just in time, Thank you! I am busy searching for a cowl pattern for an Aunt and you have designed some. In awe that you got us a free pattern. You are a Texas gem! ?
I’ll get that cowl pattern out soon. I promise!
And check back for more from Bunnymuff. She’ll be giving something away everyday during her week I think. And there will be a copy of one of her ebooks for the big winner. And all for us, us Roving Crafters. :))
It still baffles me that you can INVENT your own knitting… it makes my brain rattle, and then all these projects at once and even giving pretty things to people and stopping by my blog and cats hanging on your yarn! *mind blown* Awsome, just awsome! ^_^
Lol. Getting the cats on the knitting is not the hard part. getting them off so I can take a picture, that’s the hard part!
I love designing but I’m never in love with my designs, if that makes sense. And let us all know if/when you pick a spinning wheel to buy!
Your evil plan is working. Immediately after reading your post, with 2 crochet WIPs in front of me, I found myself searching online for a good how to knit book and tutorials. Then mysteriously I was rummaging thru my stash looking for my needles. Although I took a class about 5 years ago and made a potholder, I needa complete refreasher from the beginning. I think I’ve mentally convinced myself to have another go at it. I hope you know what a gift you are to all of us yarn folks. Thank you for all you do!
Oh good! We will make you bi-craftual. 🙂
Just think how much fun it will be to learn a whole new craft. All those new stitches and techniques. And after that there is always spinning….
Wow what a busy beaver