Knit and Crochet Patterns for Star Wars Fans
Show of hands… how many of you went and saw The Force Awakens? How many of you stood in line for the first showing? How many of you are still in that line?
If you haven’t yet seen it, no worries. That movie will be in theaters for the next 14 months (probably) and this is a No-Spoilers-Post. That’s what the rest of the internet is for this weekend, talking about that movie. My little corner of the web is for a far more important subject: the knit and crochet patterns you can start right this second to celebrate “the best Star Wars movie in thirty years.”
This is a round-up of what I could find (that’s free): three hat patterns. Its early days though and there will be more. Oh boy am I sure that there will be more. But for now, lets take a look at some free Force Awakens patterns that you can start right now.
The Force Awakens Hat
Let’s get kick it off with this awesome colorwork knit hat.

The pattern is a freebie so go grab a copy from ravelry, and maybe leave a thank-you for Hanah, the generous designer.
BB-8 Droid Crochet Hat Tutorial
Who doesn’t love BB-8? Un-cool losers who eat their own boogers, that’s who. Everyone else loves that droid and it will probably sweep all the categories at next year’s Oscars. So lets put hats on our heads that make us look like BB-8!
Now this is a two-part video tutorial (from HanDIY Tutorials) rather than a traditional pattern. But if you love BB-8 enough you watch ’em. And make the hat. And wear it on your head. In public.
The Force of BB-8 Awakens
What’s that you say? You don’t crochet? S’ok. There is a BB-8 hat for the knitters.

Of course there is. BB-8 is going to have so many fans, and toys, and gadgets, and what-not it will soon have its own reality TV show.
There you go Star wars fans. Three hats to make and then wear when you go see The Force awakens a second, third, and eleventh time. Enjoy!

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
6 Comments on "The Force Awakens … your need for free Star Wars Patterns!"
When crocheting the hat what crochet hook are you using and if I use worsted yarn what size crochet hook should I use.
Do you have the pattern written down?
You do a wonderful tutorial but I do better when it is also written down.
Thanks so much
That is not my tutorial. Sorry. I’m just recommending it. Its made by HanDIY Tutorials. As far as I know there is no written pattern but you can visit the main page of their youtube channel
and contact the owner for help. Good Luck!
You’ve saved me. Our son-in-law is an avid Star Wars fan, and I needed more ideas! Going to size down the BB 8 hat for the wee granddaughter–just to make them all laugh!
that’s what I do! I
save craftersenable them right into a new project. Or three. And sizing down that BB-8 hat is a good idea. A wee granddaughter can pull off a fashion statement like that.I wish I didn’t hate knitting colorwork- that “The Force Awakens” hat would be great for my Almost SIL, for next christmas. However, it’s selfish knitting time, & after knitting 9 pairs of mitts for xmas, from June to December, I really deserve my selfish knitting!
Do your selfish knitting. That is absolutely the way to go. Whatcha making?
As for the almost SIL… buy him a Star Wars mug (lol) or something. Then offer to teach him to knit! Yes, I think all almost SIL’s should suck up to their almost MIL, sit at her feet, and pretend to be interested in learning something.