Crochet Lessons for Knitters

Begining crochet for knitters - a free tutorial

As promised, here are two easy lessons to get you started in crochet. They are a bit… different. These lessons are for knitters, those crafters comfortable with their pointy sticks, who want to try playing around with a hook.

(Last week I had Learn to Knit If You are a Crocheter. So if you are a happy hooker that wants to play around with some pointy sticks, you might want to check those out instead.)

Its a new year and that’s a good time to be taking on new things, like learning to crochet. Why? Because you survived the holidays. If you can do that, you can do pretty much anything. I am convinced its that glorious and often surprising achievement, surviving Christmas, that led to the whole New-Year-Resolution trend in the first place.

Let’s get started.

Step 1) Grab some bulky weight yarn and a Size K (or J or L) hook. Its always easier to learn new stuff with a thick yarn.

Step 2) Forgive yourself in advance for being a cruddy crocheter. You won’t be for long. But do not expect your first hundred crochet stitches to look as good as the knit stitches you were laying down last night while watching TV and ignoring your housework.

Step 3) Grab some knit needles in size…. 10. Or 10.5. Or whatever needles you would usually grab when working with bulky weight yarn. Why do you need needles? Because I don’t believe in treating knitters like total beginners at crochet (or crocheters like total beginners in knitting). You know plenty about making things with yarn already so let’s take advantage of that.

Crochet Lessons for Knitters – Making the Base Chain (part 1)


Crochet Lessons for Knitters – Making Single Crochet Stitches (part 2)


That’s not all of crochet. Oh heaven’s no. Crochet, unlike knitting, is made up of hundreds, maybe thousands of stitches and there is always more to learn. But the base chain and the single crochet stitch are enough to get you comfortable with using a hook and making knots. Once you can do that I’m confident that you, the accomplished knitter, will be off on a whole new yarn-y adventure!

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"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen

17 Comments on "Crochet Lessons for Knitters"

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So cool! Off to revisit the washcloth post and maybe knit up a few for the baby πŸ™‚

Shirley E.

Unbelievable! I think my crochet-resistant left-handed sister might even be able to do this. I’ve been crocheting since I was a teen or younger-off and on. thank you for this.

Judy Blair

Thank you! I can crochet – I can chain the base row, and I can do single, double, half double, etc., crochet. But I HATE doing that first row, crocheting into the base chain. Now I can knit the first row, it works!


That is just about the neatest thing I have ever seen. As an experienced crocheter and learning knitter this gives me a whole new perspective on both. Thanks for such eye opening videos.


Jenn, you are a real gem. Thank you for this new approach to learning. Real live thinking outside the box!
