On Valentine’s Day
New yarn on Valentine’s Day! Because roses and chocolates are just so clichéd.
New yarn on Valentine’s Day! Because roses and chocolates are just so clichéd.
In where I am an easily distracted nerd who plays with yarn. Or, you know, any day that the sun comes up.
So I’m buying up yarn in the same colors over and over. I’m just fine with that. In fact, I may go get more.
Heathers look like solids but a close look shows they are a blend of colors. My geekiness compels me to point out the difference.
Any day that I get new yarn day is a happy day and always the subject my my next blog post. Love new yarn. Love to share.
New yarn came in the mail. I can’t keep that to myself now can I? If you got new stash I know that you’d share with me, right? Right.
I’m starting my third project in Chroma yarn. That tells you right there that I don’t hate it. But let me tell you why I like it.
I knit and crochet almost non-stop and so I use a lot of yarn. All that yarn needs to be wound into cakes and I’m happy to do it. Making yarn cakes is the epitome of playing with yarn.
Something we all like: yarn. Something even better: yarn shipped right to you. I’m sharing the fun of opening a box from Knit Picks.
Need some help planning for your next yarn buying episode? Need a few ideas? Need an excuse, any excuse, to go looking at yarn for sale? I got you covered. Here is a guide for the different color styles yarn is sold in and how to best use them in your next project.