You know when you wake up one morning with a headache and a runny nose and swollen eyes and you think some wretched person has given you a summer cold? You know how you immediately get up and down 3000mg of vitamin C and brew up half a gallon of chamomile tea? Then you take some echinacea and some acidophilus and some B vitamins and even a zinc lozenge (which you hate with the power of a thousand suns) because you are NOT GETTING A COLD THIS SUMMER?
You know how when you wake up the morning after all that and you feel a thousand times better? So you celebrate by casting on for a new project even though your fingerless mitts are only an day or two away from being finished?

Yeah. That happens to me too.

And after you cast-on and work up an inch or two of your (future) sleeveless summer t-shirt in CotLin DK yarn, you take a break to swallow another 3000mg of Vitamin C and start brewing more chamomile tea because you are NOT GETTING A COLD THIS SUMMER, right? Right.
Btw, you might want to pick up more toilet paper on your next trip to the grocery store. All that chamomile tea means a trip to the little girl’s room every 7.5 minutes. But its better than getting a summer cold.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
13 Comments on "You Know When"
My sympathies! We have found, from https://www.wishgardenherbs.com/, some atrocious tasting but miraculous stuff called Kick Ass Immune. Beats up on colds, flu. Wonderful stuff. They have other stuff that works well too!
I’m trying hard not to cast on, as hubby invited a small horde of unknown to me relative for the 4th. I need to be cleaning, darn his hide!
Well All I can say is best of luck to ya. Clean what you can and try not to sweat it too much. Then, when it is allllll over, DON”T immediately starts cleaning again. Get yourself some doughnuts, a really strong pot of coffee, play some music and cast on that project that you have in mind. You’ve earned it!
And tell your hubby about this thing they have these days called in-home cleaning services.
Had a dear friend who had one of many rules. The rule was, He who invites, cleans, but the women of the house will still cook.
That sounds like an improvement over the normal course of things!
Hate a cold. Summer, winter, in between, don’t matter. Hate it.
Stay well And Knit on.
Same here. I hate getting the creeping crud. Fortunately for me I think I have it all beat. I’m two days into this and I still feel good. I think I was able to hold that nasty cold off at the gates!
Hope you feel better soon! Here it’s all allergies, all the time, but a summer cold would be much worse.
Can’t wait to see you new top as it comes along – are you making up a new design? I hope I’m making a cotton top also, but it may actually be a kite. Or a kitchen towel. Hard to say. Right now it’s a huge stripey loop.
I am making up my t-shirt as I go. I have a sketch outline of a shape to work from. Other than that I’m winging it! Oh and said sketch is currently under a certain furry black cat butt so I only get to check it periodically.
She always did like to lay on my homework.
To mis-quote the most interesting man in the world… Stay Healthy My Friend.
I will darn sure try. I’m a big believer in hydration, hydration,, hydration, and just peeing all the bad stuff out. lol
My sympathy to you. Hope you feel better soon. Make sure you are getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of fluids.
Fluids is the key I think (and maybe that nasty zinc lozenge). I also think I’ve got this cold knocked out. I’m two mornings in and feeling just fine. Which is good news becasue I have some spinning to do!