A few weeks ago I found a little blurb in The Encyclopedia of Needlework by Ms. Thérèse de Dillmont, published in 1884, about the “knotted stitch”. It’s a variation of the half double crochet (that’s half treble for my Uk’ers). It seems it was never much in use, not even in Ms. Dillmont’s day. Its sat around in the shadows, occasionally being rediscovered by a plucky and independent sort of hookers over the years.
Now I’ve re-discovered it too! And I like it. And I made up a pattern that I think is just perfect for this little nubbly stitch.
If you’ve stopped by here on a Sunday, this stitch may look familiar. I first blogged about it in a Sunday Stitch post. That was about two weeks ago now and, yes, I’ve been quietly obsessing over this new (to me) stitch ever since. I’ve been making little sample squares with it. I’ve been running my fingers over its bumpy surface. I’ve been thinking deep, broody thoughts about it.
Ms. Dilmont called it “the knotted stitch”. I’m calling it a knotted half double. She provided her Victorian Era readers with this illustration:

(Don’t you just LOVE those old drawings?)
Not being able to draw even so much as a straight line, I had to settle for demonstrating the stitch in this video:
Clever right? It makes a half double crochet stitch with a knot around its middle. Its a very bumpy stitch and a bit thicker than a normal half double. I think its perfect for scrubby things. Scrubby things like soap savers!
Scrubby, Nubby Soap Saver – a free rochet pattern
Yarn used : Sugar ‘n Cream Yellow and Peaches & Creme Bright Lime (about 40 yds for the MC and 10 yds for the CC)
Hook Used : Size H (5.0 mm)
Soap : This little bag is quite stretchy! I’ve tested it on different square & oval bars (Dial, Coast, Yardley, Ivory, Dove) and it worked for all of them.
Abbreviations : (these terms follow the US crochet stitch conventions)
- ch = chain stitch
- sc = single crochet
- khdc = knotted half double crochet (see video above)
- st = stitch
- sl = slip
- MC = main color
- CC = contrast color
To make the oval base
With MC, ch 7
Rnd 1: 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 4 ch spaces, 2 sc in next ch space
Turn and work remainder of round in the bottom half of the starting chain
2 sc in next ch space, sc in each of next 4 ch spaces, 2 sc in last ch space. Sl st to join with 1st sc made in this round (16 sc)
Rnd 2: ch1, 2 sc in same st an join from above, sc in each of next 6 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc sts, sc in each of next 6 sc, 2 sc in last sc, sl st to join (20 sc)
To make the body
Rnd 3: ch2 (counts as a st), khdc in each of next 2 sc, ch2 and skip next 2 sc, *khdc in each of next 3 sc, ch and skip next 2 sc* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch2 made in this round (12 khdc’s and 4 ch-2 spaces)
Rnd 4: ch2 (counts as a st), khdc in each of next 2 Khdc, ch2 and skip next ch-2 spacec, *khdc in each of next 3 khcd, ch and skip next ch2 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch2 made in this round (12 khdc’s and 4 ch-2 spaces)
Work Rnd 4 a total of 14 times
To make the top edging
Break MC. With CC
Rnd 1: ch2, skip 1st khdc, khdc in 2nd khdc, ch 2 and skip ch-2 space, *khdc in next khdc, ch 2 and skip next khdc, khdc in next khdc, ch2 and skip next ch-2 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch2 made in this round (8 khdc’s and 8 ch-2 spaces)
Rnd 2: ch 1, 2 sc in ch-2 space, *sc in khdc, 2 sc in ch-2 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join with 1st sc made in this round (24 sc)
To make the tie
With CC, ch 75
And you’re done! Weave in the ends, grab a bar of soap and go give it a trial run. I bet you’ll like it. If you’ve never tried soap saver bags before I bet you’ll LOVE it.
More Scrubbies and Nubbies – a matching washcloth
And… I might have made a washcloth to go with it. I did warn you that I had developed a little obsession with this stitch. So, if you feel that you need another crochet washcloth in your life, like I did, you can make these to go with the soap saver.
Yarn used : Sugar ‘n Cream Yellow and Peaches & Creme Bright Lime (about 60 yds for the MC and 15 yds for the CC)
Hook Used : Size H (5.0 mm)
Abbreviations : (these terms follow the US crochet stitch conventions)
- ch = chain stitch
- sc = single crochet
- khdc = knotted half double crochet (see video above)
- st = stitch
- sl = slip
- MC = main color
- CC = contrast color
With MC, start with a magic ring, sc 6 into ring. Sl st to join with 1st sc made.
Rnd 1: ch 2 (counts as a st now & through out), khdc at base of chain, 2 khdc in each remaining sc. Sl st to join to top of ch 2 made in this round (12 khdc)
Rnd 2: ch 2, khdc at base of chain, ch 1 and skip next khdc, *2 khdc in next khdc, ch 1 and skip next khdc*repreat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch 2 made in this round (12 khdc and 6 ch spaces)
Rnd 3: ch 2, khdc at base of chain, khdc in next khdc, ch 1 and skip ch-1 space, *2 khdc in next khdc, khdc in next khdc, ch1 and skip ch-1 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch 2 made in this round (18 khdc and 6 ch spaces)
Rnd 4: ch 2, khdc at base of chain, khdc in next 2 khdc, ch 1 and skip ch-1 space, *2 khdc in next khdc, khdc in next 2 khdc, ch1 and skip ch-1 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch 2 made in this round (24 khdc and 6 ch spaces)
Rnd 5: ch 2, khdc at base of chain, khdc in next 3 khdc, ch 1 and skip ch-1 space, *2 khdc in next khdc, khdc in next 3 khdc, ch1 and skip ch-1 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch 2 made in this round (30 khdc and 6 ch spaces)
Leave MC (don’t cut) and join in CC
Rnd 6: ch 1, (yep, it counts as a st), sc at base of chain, sc in next 4 khdc, sc in ch-1 space, *2 sc in next khdc, sc in next 4 khdc, sc in ch-1 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to ch 1 made in this round (42 sc)
Cut CC, pick up MC
Rnd 7: ch 2, khdc at base of chain, khdc in next 5 sc, ch 1 and skip next sc, *2 khdc in next sc, khdc in next 5 sc, ch1 and skip next sc* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch 2 made in this round (42 khdc and 6 ch spaces)
Rnd 8: ch 2, khdc at base of chain, khdc in next 6 khdc, ch 1 and skip ch-1 space, *2 khdc in next khdc, khdc in next 6 khdc, ch1 and skip ch-1 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch 2 made in this round (48 khdc and 6 ch spaces)
Rnd 9: ch 2, khdc at base of chain, khdc in next 7 khdc, ch 1 and skip ch-1 space, *2 khdc in next khdc, khdc in next 7 khdc, ch1 and skip ch-1 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to top of ch 2 made in this round (54 khdc and 6 ch spaces)
Cut MC & join in CC
Rnd 10: ch 1, sc at base of chain, sc in next 8 khdc, sc in ch-1 space, *2 sc in next khdc, sc in next 8 khdc, sc in ch-1 space* repeat to end. Sl st to join to ch 1 made in this round (66 sc)
Rnd 11: ch 3, skip 1st sc, *sc in next sc, ch2 and skip next sc*repeat to end. Sl st to join at the base of ch 3 made in this round
Bind off
Now you have a set! And here is one last thought that I want to beam into your brain… MOTHER’S DAY. Its coming soon.
We have other free patterns! Check them out. You might find something else that you like.

"There is no failure. Only feedback." - Robert Allen
6 Comments on "New Use for an Old Stitch – a free pattern"
Do you have a knitted pattern for a soap bag pls
Sent from my iPad
I do not. Sorry. But you can try ravelry, there are lots and lots of soap savers patterns for knitters. I suggest searching for “sachet”.
Pinned! I’m probably the mom I’ll crochet them for, though. 😉
Well that works. I always support selfish crochet. And selfish knitting.
No one appreciates our work like ourselves!
I like this pattern although the video is not there to learn the stitch
I think maybe I’m not understanding. The video doesn’t play for you? I just checked it and it played for me.
here is the direct link to its storage location on youtube:
Hope that helps.